September 2016 President’s Report


June, July and August 2016 have been busy summer months for the DRM. Our summer schedule included being open seven days a week with extended hours to 5:00pm on weekend days. Building coverage needed to be increased by 40%. In addition, numerous tour groups during the weekdays required extra train crews being mobilized; Engineers, conductors, car hosts and docents. All volunteers staff this vigorous schedule with no pay, no overtime and no complaining…..well maybe a little. The heavy schedule, however, resulted in a well-attended and successful summer with multiple KUDOS and much gratitude to all the regular and extra personnel that participated during our summer program.


Anyone that applies for a new membership, or renews their membership, fills out an application which highlights approximately 10 volunteer opportunities which address the traditional areas of service available. There exist, however, a much broader need as indicated in the following list:


            Accounting                             Equipment Operator              Marketing

            Administration                        Everything                              Miscellaneous

            Advertising                             Exhibits                                  Modeler

            Buildings/Structures                Front Desk                             Operating Crew

            Car Host                                Gift Shop                                Painting

            Carpentry                               Landscaping                           Photography

            Communication                       Legal                                      Restoration

            Electrical                                 Library                                   Tour Guide/Docent

            Engineering                             Machinist                                Track Work



There are probably others that are needed, but overlooked. The above expanded list indicates not only opportunities, but current needs of the Danbury Railway Museum. Many of the jobs/positions on the list go unfilled and we could use your assistance. Many of the jobs/positions need additional volunteers to enhance the effectiveness of our work efforts. Please review the list, suggest how you can assist us, and share your talents and expertise.


The second item in the list above, administration, also needs your help. No jokes please, we have heard them. Seriously, a review of the current list of Officers and Directors results in over 150 years of service to the Danbury Railway Museum. Some of the Officers have been in office for over 15 years! We are hopeful to implement a new program which will provide training for prospective new administrators while also providing the position of assistant to a specific Officer. Are you interested? We need you to step up and assist the Danbury Railway Museum to move forward, grow and flourish with a new life blood. Again, please share your knowledge, talents and expertise.


On behalf of the Danbury Railway Museum, Wade W. Roese