January 2015 Presidents Report


It is now January 2015. I hope you had a great series of holidays and a wish of Happy New Year is in order. Last month I highlighted and recognized the many volunteers who assisted in the growth, profitability and success of the DRM in 2014. As we move forward into 2015, let us further reflect on some of the projects we addressed this past year and to peruse some new projects which deserve our attention this ensuing year. While some of the new projects require funding, many projects are wholly or partially funded. Most of the newly proposed projects are in search of a project leader, volunteer and/or volunteer team. Should any of the following listed projects instill interest in you, or you want to suggest an additional new idea, please contact any Board Officer or Director.


Display case (tall) - hats                      Trapezoid display case base                Tall display case base


Tall display case relocation                 Trapezoid display case relocation       DRM north sign


Banners (Bunny Train, Pumpkin Patch, Santa Trains)                                    North wall display



Target signal display (yard)                Target signal display (parking lot)      Switch stand display


Yard carts                                           Rutland flat car                                   Solari Board base


Solari Board functionality                  Ticket window/office display             Turntable ring rail tie



G-gauge layout stone & rebuild          Post Office car mailboxes                   Yard security system


Rearrange yard for enhanced and interesting display                                    Track and turnout



Update equipment display sign          Paint/refurbish RS11                           Paint 44-tonner


SW-8                                                   RDC                                                    Burro crane



#1455 restoration                                Tonawanda Valley restoration            NYC caboose



Re-wood yard benches                       Catenary system arches                       Water tower base


Botsford water tower                         Paint N.H. caboose                             Display/exhibit



Museum P.R. video                            RPO video display and video             Z-gauge model layout



Turntable wood replacement              Tie replacement                                   Yard clean up


Track 18 platform storage shed replacement                                                  Forge expansion


            Hope something above is of interest or stirs an idea.


            On behalf of the Danbury Railway Museum, Wade W. Roese, President