December 2014 President’s Report


As this report is being prepared, our 2014 holiday season has begun, Black Friday is upon us (for about the fifth day), it’s turkey sandwich time, and the football games are over for the day. As the Danbury Railway Museum approaches the end of our twentieth anniversary year, a slight reflection is probably appropriate. Many of the founding members continue to volunteer and serve, new member and long serving member volunteers’ participation and participant hours has grown, and projects and project involvement has resulted in Museum growth and expansions. Bottom line: More, better, enhanced, bigger, mission achievement and success! While many entertainment attractions are down on funding, staffing, and support, the DRM has continued to attract new visitors and provide enhanced volunteer service. The Officers and Directors of the Danbury Railway Museum wish to take this opportunity to thank and recognize those volunteers whom have served the Museum throughout this past year. Our apologies if we have missed acknowledging anyone.


Jose’ Alves                                          Bob Andriola                                      Bill Arm

Alan Baker                                          Roberta Ballard                                   John Barton Jr.

Gary Bentley                                       Martha Bishop                                    Tim Bishop

Suze Blackman                                   Bob Boothe                                         Mary Ann Boothe

Bill Brett                                             Chip Brown*                                      Harry Burke

Dan Carleton                                       Justin Chapin                                      Don Collier

Nancy Cuniff                                      Al Emanuel                                         Max Enis

Kathy Fay                                           Dan Foley                                           Dave Fuller

Bob Gambling                                     Dan Gallo                                            Paul Gassner

Franz Gerencir                                    Steve Gould                                        Jack Gustaitis

Greg Grice                                          Marty Grossman                                 Al Gruber

Jack Hawkins                                      Fiona Herrmann                                  Gerry Herrmann

Josh Herrmann                                    Mike Herrmann                                   John Ivansco

Ian Jenner                                            Bob Kessler                                         Geoff Knees

Don Konen                                         Dave Kopycinski                                Mike LaGue

Dana Laird                                          Joe Laporta                                         Mike Laporta

Jerry Lawlor                                        Harry Leeds                                        Tom Lenhart

Bernice Liba                                        Carl Liba                                             Dave Lowry

Mike Madyda                                     Stan Madyda                                      Steve Mayerson

Joe Mato                                             Tom McCullough                                Jim McGeorge

Dave McKee                                       Pete McLachlan                                  Jesse Meeker

Glenn Miller                                        Dan Milone                                         J.R. Mitchell

Tom Murry                                          Bill Nicholson                                     Tom O’Grady

John O’Hern                                       Patty Osmer                                        Shirley Peatfield

Andre Perez                                        Louis Pisacano                                    Bob Pitcher    

Bob Powell                                         Jeremy Rice                                         Dave Rist       

Dave Roberts                                      Terrie Roese                                        Wade Roese   

Luis Roman                                         Dana Rosenbergen                              Chuck Sager   

Mike Salata                                         Rob Sailer                                           Marty Scatola 

Adam Schwartz                                  Jeff Scott                                            Richard Shaboo

Elyse Shapiro                                      John Silbert                                         Dave Simington

Art Slothower                                     Lovett Smith                                       Nancy Sniffen

Danielle Spino                                     David Stavans                                     Judith Stavans

Terrie Stramiello                                  Frank Sulliva                                       Carolyn Taylor

Jim Teer                                               Sue Teer                                              Jeff VanWagenen

Bill Waggoner                                     Bill Wagne                                          Joe Ward        

Vic Westman                                      Matt Wuensch                                     Roger Whitcomb

Tony White                                         Carol Wilson                                       Kristina Maceira

Sam Steinbrook                                   Anna           Jade            Julia              Maya

*Sadly, has left us.


A special thank you to the spouses and families of all the volunteers noted above that have sacrificed to allow the time graciously contributed to the Danbury Railway Museum.


On behalf of the Danbury Railway Museum, Wade W. Roese