November 2007 President’s Report
By Ira Pollack
This month I would like to update you on some of the things going on at the Museum. To start with, as you probably know by now, we’ve been working on our trackage over the past 7 or 8 weeks. I am very pleased to tell you that we have rebuilt the turntable lead switch, put Track 34 and 42 back into service, and will have the 24 switch finished very shortly. This grand project was a necessity for our operations at the Museum, and we have succeeded in enhancing the length of the Railyard Local with flying colors. I am very proud of the volunteers who came forward to help me make this possible. In reality, these volunteers put in over 1500 hours of hard labor to replace the many ties that were needed to stabilize our trackage. We also have replaced the many joiner bars that were loose or cracked, and therefore in need of our attention, a defective section of rail, and a cracked switch point. Whatever the problem was, we were able to solve it, and move forward. Of course, this maintenance work must continue on a regular basis in the yard. I feel very confident in what we have done and, once again, that whatever challenges face us, we can see them through. This was a team effort right from the start, and we succeeded.
Now that we are finishing up on our tie and track maintenance project for the year, I will tell you that I am planning out a display stand acknowledging the people who donated funds for this project. Plaques have been produced mentioning these people’s names, and will be displayed for all to see. I am hoping to build this before the really cold weather sets in. Just a reminder that we are still collecting monies for this tie and track fund. It takes a $35 donation for a tie purchase. Initially I had planned on placing a plaque on the tie that you had bought, but it will be a lot easier and safer to have the acknowledgements all in one area for display. For instance, it would be hard to tell you that your tie is on Track 34, the 335th tie from the east end of the switch. I certainly do not want people wandering around in the yard looking for their tie.
In other news, we have completed another Pumpkin Patch event. This year’s event surpassed all previous years. We grossed over $15,000 during the three weekends of the event, even with one rainy day. The Pumpkin Patch has proved itself a successful undertaking, with limited volunteer and staffing needs. Even so, the people involved in running this event worked very hard to make it that successful. I thank them all for coming forward and praise their dedication toward our Museum.
Before you know it, our Santa Claus trains will be coming. Time certainly moves quickly at the DRM. This, too, is an event well thought out and planned for. We do need your help, though, with all the different tasks to do, both in the station and on the train. Please step up to the needs of the Museum.
At this time of year, I am very thankful and grateful to all of the volunteers who helped run our Museum this year. I also would like to wish you all a pleasant and healthy holiday season, which will be coming very shortly.